News & Insights

Delivering Xmas gifts to St Richard’s Childrens Ward
Our colleagues, Janet and Ceci, are pictured here with nurses from the ward, bringing gift contributions from Owen Kenny staff. Children…

Private Client Team
Our Private Client (Wills & Probate) team are here to take care of you when you are looking to make a Will or Lasting Powers of Attorney…

Christmas Jumper Day
Our team are supporting Save The Children and are all wearing Christmas jumpers today, raising funds for this wonderful charity! Website link is

Family Law Team
Our Family Law team are here to take care of you when you are looking for divorce / separation, children matters - contact us on 01243 790532 or email your enquiry to

Why use a Solicitor to write your Will?
It is perfectly fine to go ahead and create a Will yourself, however it is advisable to have a Solicitor write up your Will for a number of reasons:

What is an Executor's role?
An executor is an individual appointed by a Will, to be responsible for the administration of the deceased estate. A person’s estate is everything they own including…

We are separating-should I leave the family home?
If you own the property jointly with your spouse or partner, your legal rights with regard to the property remain unchanged, whether you live there or not. When a couple separate…

Am I entitled to half of everything?
Unfortunately there is no simple answer to the question. The courts do consider an equal division of the family assets as a measure of whether any particular financial settlement…

Should I add a Codicil to my Will or make a new Will
A Codicil is an official alteration that accompanies your existing Will, which outlines changes to a particular clause/s in your Will. An example of this would be if you needed to change the name…

I have an Enduring Power of Attorney, is it still valid?
Enduring Power of Attorney’s (EPAs) can no longer be created, however if an individual had one made prior to October 2007, registered or unregistered it can continue to be used.

What are indemnity policies and why are they necessary?
You may have come across one of these policies when buying or selling....but what are they?

Why should I register my property?
The benefits of First Registration for my unregistered property. Why should I have my unregistered property registered at…

What are my rights as a common-law wife?
In short, there is no such thing as a "common-law wife" (or husband). It makes no difference how long a couple may have lived together…

How long does it take to get a divorce?
In theory it takes around six months from the start of divorce proceedings to the making of the Final Order which ends the marriage.

Thinking of investing in property?
Will I be liable to pay higher rate stamp duty on my purchase? What constitutes a “second property”? Higher rate SDLT is payable on multiples dwellings.

Freehold vs Leasehold
What is the difference between a freehold and leasehold property / transaction? There are two types of property that you can own…

Can I transfer my house to my children now to avoid care home fees or tax in the future?
If you transfer your home into your children’s name and continue to live in it rent free then it will be classed as a Gift with Reservation of Benefit.

I don’t own a property so why do I need a Will?
Do you own a bank account, have savings, a car? If you do not have a Will in place then these will pass via the Intestacy Rules…

Fun Friday Post: It's going to be OK at Owen Kenny!
We take what we do seriously, but we don't take ourselves too seriously...our bookshelves in our meeting rooms are filled with legal books…

They accepted my offer…. now what?
What are the steps in a purchase transaction? Sarah Ebling one of our helpful conveyancing assistants has summarised the main points when you are purchasing a property.