Lifetime Lawyers' Update your Will Week (3rd-9th March 2025)

When should I update my will?

Lifetime Lawyers recommend that Wills are reviewed and updated every five years, or when a major change occurs that impacts you or your loved ones. For example, a marriage or civil partnership, divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership, a new birth, a death in your family, or if you or one of your beneficiaries has obtained a Gender Recognition Certificate.

What should I do if I want to update my will?

A good Will is an investment – so the cheapest option might not be the best one. Creating and updating your Will with an experienced legal professional, such as a Lifetime Lawyer, ensures you have a Will that is tailored to your exact circumstances and captures your wishes accurately. Using an experienced legal professional can also help to limit inheritance tax – which can reduce costs in the long term.

Find a Lifetime Lawyer near you

Don’t leave the conversation until it’s too late – get connected with the right legal help now. Call us on 01243 532777 to enquire about making a Will, or email your enquiry to

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